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The area around the eyes is the area where aging on the face occurs most rapidly and clearly. The sagging and tissue reduction in the area between the nose and cheek, which is called the tear trough deformity, causes a tired expression and the under-eye bags to become prominent. Under-eye problems can make a person look more tired and older than they are, even at a young age.

With under-eye light fillers, the color difference between the under-eye and cheeks can be eliminated. By aligning the cavities under the eyes with the cheeks, a necessary elevation can be achieved around the under eye area.

With the light filling, the cavities under the eyes are raised and it is ensured to reflect the light better. In addition, thanks to its special content, it provides moisturizing, tissue regeneration and flexibility in the skin. During the application, this special mixture is injected evenly with the help of an injector that will not cause any pain or ache under the eye. Immediately after the injection, the skin rises and the purple appearance disappears.

With the under-eye light filler process, the under-eye area is rejuvenated with a two-stage process. First, the subcutaneous supporting layer is strengthened with the effect of hyaluronic acid and the cavities are filled. In this way, dark circles and under-eye bags are camouflaged. In the second stage, a long-term cellular regeneration is provided in the skin, thanks to its poly-vitamin and amino acid contents.

What are Fillers?

Fillers are substances that are produced chemically or in a way that can replace the structural materials in our body obtained from bacteria. In general, they contain hyaluronic acid, which is one of the basic building blocks of subcutaneous tissue. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that provides support in the whole body, especially in bone, cartilage and subcutaneous tissue.

What Do Fillers Do?

Fillers are used in the recovery of hollow areas, in the restoration of areas with loss of volume such as cheeks and lips, in the treatment of wrinkles, and in the correction of deformations in the under-eye area.

What are the Types of Fillers?

Fillers vary considerably according to the material they contain and the way they are obtained. There are temporary or permanent varieties available. Permanent fillers are rarely used due to their high side effects. There are dozens of fillers that are allowed to be sold in our country, but the important thing is to use reliable fillers that have been tested for biocompatibility by organizations such as FDA.

How to Tell if the Filling Material is Reliable?

Fillers are generally produced for single use in 1 or 2 cc injectors. The package is opened individually and contains documents such as one or two injectors for personal use and the serial number user manual. Be sure to learn the name of the substance applied from your doctor. You can request the documents that come out of the box.

What Should Be Considered In Fillers Injections?

  • Make sure that the filler used is a reliable brand.
  • Make sure that the product used is opened exclusively for you.
  • Know enough about the risks of Fillers.
  • Question whether the person performing this procedure is authorized to do this (Plastic Surgeon or Dermatologist?)
  • Learn in detail the situations you need to pay attention to after the application.
  • Definitely go to the checkup appointment.

How Are Fillers Applied?

Filling Applications can be applied as 15-20 minute procedures in clinic conditions. Although it varies according to the area where the filling is applied, there may be slight redness or bruising due to the injection. Generally, the person’s work and social life is not affected.

How Long Is The Lifespan Of Fillers?

Depending on the area where the fillers are applied and the product used, they have a lifespan between 18 and 24 months. However, this period may be shortened in cases such as smoking. It is used to fill the deficiency or hollowness in an area for volume purposes. The new generation fillers we use today allow us to achieve extremely natural results.




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