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What is beard transplantation?

It is called the beard and mustache transfer operation in case of absence and sparseness of the beard in the beard or mustache area in men.

Why Beard Transplantation?

The beard is an important accessory that completes the male look. Beard changes the temperament of the face, completes its expression and creates a masculine image in the person. The absence of a beard can create psychological problems by making the person feel deficient in a masculine appearance. In addition, burn marks or other scars cause losses in the beard and mustache area, and this can seriously disturb people. The best method in these cases is beard transplantation.

How is Beard Transplantation Performed?

Just like in FUE Hair Transplantation, hair follicles taken from another part of the body are transplanted to the area to be planted for beard transplantation. The application is no different from the hair transplant application.

Where to Get Grafts?

As in hair transplantation, hair follicles are usually taken from the nape area. A plan is made according to the width of the non-bearded area, number of grants that need to be planted is calculated, and the hair follicles are taken from the nape area with the FUE method.

Can Beard Transplantation Be Done In Areas With Beard Breakers, Wounds and Burn Scars?

It can also be applied for beard transplantation, beard breakage, scars and burn scars. Planning is done by deciding what kind of strategy to follow in practice, according to the patient’s condition and the shape of the beardless area.

Is There Any Scar After Beard Transplantation?

Immediately after the beard transplant, redness in the face area and a small amount of blood traces are expected and these are temporary. Your skin will return to its natural state after bathing. Thanks to the high-tech devices used in the transplantation process, the operation is finished without any permanent scars.

When Will My Beards Grow?

The beards planted after the beard transplant will fall out after an average of three weeks. Your new beard will be decided by the follicles that will regrow after that fall out between 4 and 8 months grow back and take their final shape permanently.

The information we provide here is the information about the beard and mustache transplantation operation in general. As in all aesthetic surgeries, it is necessary to evaluate, plan and inform in beard and mustache aesthetics according to the person.

I believe that the information given on the internet is not sufficient for a patient to decide on the surgery or not. For this reason, I care about meeting with my patients face-to-face and giving detailed and personalized information about the surgery. I would like you to know that it would be beneficial for you to reach us through our communication panel and make an appointment for an interview.




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