What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a method of removing fat from the body. In other words, it is the process of getting rid of regional fat. Liposuction is a surgery that removes fat from the body by absorbing fat deposits in certain parts of the body with a special vacuum or special injectors.
It is definitely not a weight loss surgery, but a body shape correction surgery. With this surgery, while the fat tissue that is increased in volume and resistant to diet and exercise is removed from the body, the number of existing fat cells is also reduced.
In which cases is liposuction a necessary method?
The number of fat cells in the adult human body is constant. After puberty, the number of fat cells does not increase, but the volume of fat cells increases. This results in weight gain. Dietary habits and lifestyle are the most important factors in people’s weight loss.
Proper diet and exercise and a regular lifestyle are essential to get rid of excess weight. However, even people who meet these conditions may have stubborn fat deposits that do not go away. Certain areas of the body such as the abdomen, waist, hips, outer and inner thighs, and knees are areas of fat accumulation that are resistant to diet and exercise.
Excess fat in these areas is eliminated to some extent by diet and exercise, more exercise and diet results in the deterioration of the body’s general metabolism instead of thinning in these areas.
What is liposuction surgery?
Liposuction is definitely not a weight loss method. It is a method of permanently getting rid of stubborn regional fats at ideal weight or close to ideal weight.
In which cases is liposuction a necessary method?
The number of fat cells in the adult human body is constant. After puberty, the number of fat cells does not increase, but the volume of fat cells increases. This results in weight gain. Dietary habits and lifestyle are the most important factors in people’s weight loss.
Proper diet and exercise and a regular lifestyle are essential to get rid of excess weight. However, even people who meet these conditions may have stubborn fat deposits that do not go away. Certain areas of the body such as the abdomen, waist, hips, outer and inner thighs, and knees are areas of fat accumulation that are resistant to diet and exercise. Excess fat in these areas is eliminated to some extent by diet and exercise, more exercise and diet results in the deterioration of the body’s general metabolism instead of thinning in these areas.
Who is liposuction surgery applied to?
Liposuction is used in the treatment of resistant fat in areas that cannot be thinned by diet and sports. It should not be seen as a weight loss method. It will not be possible to have proper body lines only with liposuction. A person should maintain their ideal weight by paying attention to their diet and doing exercises. It should be noted that liposuction is an auxiliary method. The most ideal candidates for liposuction are people who are at or close to their ideal weight and have persistent regional lubrication in some parts of which they are uncomfortable.
How is liposuction surgery done?
The operation is performed in hospital conditions in the operating room and under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. A combination of local anesthesia and sedation (intravenous sleep) is preferred. Only local anesthesia can be applied in very limited small areas. In liposuction surgery, the stubborn fat area is inflated with a special liquid injection. Then, several incisions of a few mm length are made on or near this area. From these incisions, metal pipes with a diameter of 2-6 mm, called cannula, are inserted into the subcutaneous layer, and the cannulas are connected to the vacuum device with transparent hoses. The vacuum device is operated, the cannulas are moved at the appropriate depth in the fat accumulation areas, and the removal of excess fat begins. The process of absorbing the fats by means of vacuum continues until the desired body contour as well as a smooth skin surface is achieved. The operation takes between 1-5 hours, depending on the condition of the areas where vacuum will be applied. Cannula entry holes are usually not sutured or 1-2 sutures are placed.
Sometimes, special thin pipes (resistors) are placed in the areas by using cannula holes, this helps to drain the serum accumulated inside. Depending on the extent of the surgery, it is possible to leave the hospital on the same day or after 24 hours.
What should be considered before liposuction surgery?
Before liposuction surgery, if a special diet is being followed and there is a weight loss process, the patient should wait until the ideal weight is achieved. Having regular diet and exercise habits ensures better and permanent results. Before liposuction, necessary tests for anesthesia are performed.
Bleeding or coagulation disorder, the presence of varicose veins are questioned and if problems are observed, these conditions are treated first. Smoking should be stopped at least 2 weeks before as it will adversely affect the healing in liposuction as in all surgeries.
Is liposuction surgery painful, when does the pain go away?
Since general anesthesia or sedation anesthesia will be applied to the patients during the liposuction procedure, pain is not felt. After the procedure, pain can last for 2-3 days. These pains are subdued with painkillers. Pain may develop in the form of mild stinging and is felt only in the areas where fat is removed.
How long does liposuction surgery take?
The duration of the operation varies according to the number of areas to be removed and the amount of fat. The duration of the operation also varies according to the technique that will be applied. On average, it takes between 1 hour and 3 hours.
Is there an age limit for liposuction surgery?
This application can be easily done for any patient over the age of 18. However, it is important that the areas where liposuction is performed do not lose their elasticity. For this reason, sagging can be seen after liposuction in patients with advanced age. It is not applied to patients who are too old and have lost their skin elasticity.
When can I return to work after liposuction surgery?
After liposuction, patients should rest for the first 3 days. Patients who work in difficult and non-strenuous jobs can return to work after the 3rd day. It is recommended that people who work in demanding and tiring jobs return to work after a week.
Will there be any scars after liposuction surgery?
Depending on the liposuction technique, it is possible for patients to have scars on their bodies. 2-3 mm incisions will be made in certain places to take the fat out. Aesthetic sutures are used to close these incisions. Depending on the area where these sutures are placed, the probability of scarring also varies. In some areas the remaining traces are indistinct, while in others they may be more pronounced. However, since these traces are very small, they are not obvious unless carefully looked at from the outside.
Is the fat removed in liposuction surgery permanently gone?
It is possible to regain the lost fat after liposuction surgery. After this application, patients should follow a balanced diet and exercise. Patients who do not do this can regain the fat they have lost, but in patients who maintain their weight with healthy nutrition and sports, liposuction is permanent and the removed fat does not return.
What you need to know about liposuction surgeries
Liposuction surgery is one of the most frequently applied aesthetic surgical procedures today. Contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not a method of losing weight, but a method of giving shape and form to the body. With today’s technology, less traumatic technological tools are used, especially ultrasound-weighted liposuction method is frequently preferred by us plastic surgeons.
Liposuction surgery takes about 2 to 4 hours of operation time. After 1 day of hospitalization and follow-up, we discharge our patient after observing that we did not experience any problems or medical problems after a final checkup.
This process, which varies between 3 and 5 days, varies according to the size of the surgery and the number of surgical areas. As I said, after a rest period of 3 to 5 days, our patients can quickly return to their social life. The use of corsets is recommended especially for our patients after the surgery, and the use of corsets can be used for periods up to 3 weeks depending on the size of the surgery. The main purpose of using the corset is to ensure the continuity of the form we have achieved during the operation.
Will I gain weight after liposuction?
Liposuction is not a method to lose weight. After liposuction, there is no fat accumulation in the areas where liposuction is applied. But if the person does not pay attention to what they eat, of course, they can gain weight again.
Is liposuction a permanent procedure?
Liposuction is a permanent procedure, and after the removal of stubborn regional excess fat, there is no possibility of fat accumulation in that area again in the same way.
Is liposuction a slimming method? Is it suitable for obesity?
Liposuction is not a weight loss method, or an obesity surgery. Liposuction is a procedure aimed at determining the contours of the body. It is a method applied for excess fat in the waist region, hip region, inner leg, knee and abdomen, which will never go away no matter how much you lose weight.
In which areas is the fat removed with laser liposuction?
It can be applied to any area with regional redundancy.
In which areas does liposuction surgery give the best results?
With the developing technological methods, very good results are obtained in every area. The jowl, arms, abdomen, legs, back and chest area in men are the areas we apply the most.
What should I be careful about after liposuction surgery?
Starting a diet and exercise at the time recommended by your doctor and making it a lifestyle makes the result and efficiency of the application permanent.
How are liposuction prices determined?
Pricing is determined by the number of regions. It should not be forgotten that liposuction operations should be performed by specialist doctors in a fully equipped hospital.
How much fat can be removed in liposuction?
The amount of fat removal is determined by the age and health status of the person. Of course, the healthy thing is appropriate fat removal for shaping. But sometimes, for people who have started to lose weight but are depressed, removing some fat from their genetic fat areas encourages them more.
They stick to their diet more. 2 to 3 liters of fat can be removed from the abdomen, 3 liters from the waist, and 4 liters from the hips. The fluid lost by the person during fat removal should also be given through the vein.
In small area fat intakes, the patient can go home the same day after fluid administration, but when more fat is removed, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for one night and receive fluids through the intravenous and oral route.
What Happens After Liposuction?
After liposuction surgery, swelling, bruising and pain may occur in the first few days, which is directly proportional to the size of the treated area. Pain can be controlled with painkillers. Wearing a corset can speed recovery. Swelling and bruising may persist for a week or two.
After the liposuction operation, the patient can return to their daily life, provided that they avoid heavy activities within a week. After an average of 1.5 months, sports etc. activities can be continued.
What are the Risks of Liposuction Procedure?
The negative situation that can be seen after liposuction can be asymmetry, inadequate results, and deformations in the form of collapse in some areas. For this reason, good planning should be done before surgery and patients should be careful during the treatment process.
What is the result after liposuction?
If the skin quality is good after liposuction, significant shaping is achieved within a few months. Depending on the region, sagging may occur in thin and cracked skin. For this reason, it is important to continue with a balanced diet and exercise after the procedure.
I have a problem with regional fat accumulation, what should I do?
If you are uncomfortable with any deformity due to excessive fat accumulation in any part of your body, the healthiest and most accurate information about regional thinning is provided by the aesthetic plastic surgery specialist. You can get it by meeting with Opr.Dr. Muhammet Erkan face to face.
Doctor Muhammet Erkan will listen to you, learn about your expectations, examine you and give you information about what needs to be done.
Your doctor will make a special evaluation and plan for you. He will tell you all the details of the surgery. The success of aesthetic surgeries largely depends on the preoperative examination, evaluation, planning and informing.
You can get information and appointments from our assistants by filling out the form or contacting us at our phone numbers.