What is Breast Reduction Surgery?
With breast reductioın surgery, the breast is reshaped while size of the breast is decreased in order to achieve a smaller and more comfortable breast.
Why do breasts get bigger?
Having big breasts is a genetic problem. Sometimes when it is very big, it bothers young girls even before the age of 18. It restricts sports activities, restricts freedom of dressing.
They even have trouble finding a bra. As the age progresses, it causes some deformities in the body due to the weight. While the breast size of an overweight woman causes an appearance as if she is large, if this woman loses weight, this time the breasts will appear sagging.
When we lose weight, the tissue of the breast does not shrink, weight is lost from the fat tissue in it. Our aim in breast reduction is to reduce the size of the breast in accordance with their shoulder, chest, and height.
Why is Breast Reduction surgery performed?
Women with large breasts really suffer a lot. Large and sagging breasts are not only a cosmetic and aesthetic problem, but also a condition that causes back and neck pain in people due to their weight. In addition, large breasts restrict mobility, rashes and wounds on the lower parts impair hygiene, on the other hand, problems caused by visual discomfort cause a decrease in self-confidence. Breast reduction is a life-enhancing surgery for all these reasons. Aesthetic breast reduction surgery is not an operation that can only be considered with aesthetic concerns.
What is done before breast reduction surgery?
As with many aesthetic operations, breast reduction operations should be evaluated by considering the patient’s expectations, general health status, age and shape of the breast. As a result of the interviews with the patient, a decision is made about the technique to be used, the surgery and the post-operative process. Before breast reduction, detailed examination and measurements are made. Breast tissue is visualized via mammography or USG.
It is investigated whether there are situations that will pose a risk for the surgery. Preliminary dieting is recommended in morbidly obese patients with high BMI. After reaching the ideal weight, breast reduction is recommended. Necessary blood tests are performed for anesthesia. You should not smoke for at least 2 weeks before and after the surgery. Blood thinners should be discontinued one week before. It is important to talk to your doctor in detail about the breast size, expectations and risks that will occur before breast reduction.
How is Breast Reduction Procedure Applied?
Breast Reduction is an operation that takes approximately 2.5-3 hours under general anesthesia. At the end of the operation, the incision areas are dressed, a drain is placed on both breasts that ensures the flow of accumulated blood, and a special bra is put on. In general, 1 day of hospitalization is sufficient.
What Happens After Breast Reduction?
Swelling, bruising and pain may occur in the first few days after Breast Aesthetics. Pain can be controlled with painkillers. Wearing a supportive bra can speed recovery. Swelling and bruising may persist for a week or two. After the breast reduction procedure, the patient can return to her daily life, provided that she avoids heavy activities within a few days. After an average of 1.5 months, sports etc. activities can be continued. After the breast reduction, the first week and the second week, controls are made and dressing is applied. The breast takes its full shape in 3-6 months.
What is the most important disadvantage of breast reduction surgery?
The most important disadvantage of breast reduction surgery is the permanent and noticeable scars after the surgery. The size of the breast and the surgical technique used affect the amount of scars. Although these scars are more prominent and reddish in the first months, their color will soften within months and become less visible. However, patients should know that they will carry these scars for a lifetime.
What are the Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery?
Early-term risks such as bleeding, infection, and wound dehiscence after breast reduction surgery can be seen in this surgery, albeit at a low rate. Nipple numbness may occur temporarily. Very rarely it can be permanent. The difference in size and shape after surgery does not generally occur unless the person has a significant chest asymmetry. It is normal to have scars in the incision areas, which are more obvious at first, and take on skin color over time. Rarely, people with wound healing disorders may have scars and keloids.
What Is The Result After Breast Reduction?
After Breast Reduction surgery, you can achieve smaller, upright breast sizes that are compatible with your body. However, some structural problems and asymmetries may continue. Breast reduction will save you from a very big burden. There may be changes in breast size in cases of excessive weight gain/loss and pregnancy. It is not expected to reach pre-operative dimensions.