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Hands are the part of a person that portrays his/her age and cannot hide. In the past, while having a young and healthy face by taking advantage of the opportunities offered by aesthetics and cosmetology, the beauty of the skin of the hands was often ignored and neglected. It is possible to carry the young and healthy appearance of the face on the hands.

Our hands, which are the organs most exposed to the sun and external factors, begin to lose their elastic structure, fullness and brightness due to aging. On top of that, wrinkle and spot problems can be added. It becomes more evident with the thinning of the skin and fat tissue.

Thus, signs of aging appear on the hands. Making our hands look young, healthy and beautiful is possible with a few simple actions. Fillers containing hyaluronic acid are used to restore the past fullness and tension in the hands.

Hyaluronic acid, one of the building materials of our skin, is naturally present in the skin, but it starts to decrease with age. It has a water holding capacity of 1000 times its weight. Therefore, it increases the water holding capacity of the skin. Makes the skin plump and healthy. It is a fast and practical application. After an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin, the filler is injected under the skin with a fine needle. Application time is 5 minutes for each hand.

Apart from the loss of adipose tissue, the second problem encountered on the hands is the spots on the back of the hand. This is where peeling comes into play. Our preference for hand is TCA (TriChloroAcetic Acid) peelings.

With the TCA peeling application, the upper skin is peeled and thus the skin is renewed and rejuvenated. With the peeling process, it is possible to eliminate or reduce many problems such as skin spots, sun-damaged skin, oil-moisture imbalance of the skin. The skin in the area where TCA peeling is applied becomes brighter, younger and more elastic.




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