Rhinoplasty is an Art.
What is Rhinoplasty? To Whom and In Which Circumstances Can It Be Applied?

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery that aims to change the shape of the nose. It can be applied to people over a certain age. It is an operation performed after the age of 16 in girls and after the age of 17 in boys. It is an operation that can be performed in case of a belt on the back of the nose, low nasal tip, curvature of the nose, asymmetry in the nose, and width of the nasal tip. Apart from this, when there are breathing problems, procedures to open the breath can be added during rhinoplasty surgery.
Why Rhinoplasty?
Human beings always want to be better, to look more beautiful. We also want to feel beautiful aesthetically. The issue of aesthetics is completely a matter of self-confidence. When a person looks in the mirror, if there is an image that will disturb themselves and this image can be solved – now modern medicine can easily solve many problems in aesthetics – they go and knock on the door of the plastic surgeon.
Also, as Humans, we live in a social environment. We are in constant face-to-face contact with other people. Our image affects our relationships in an unpredictable way. It is important to have a healthy sense of self-confidence in the success of human relations.
Aesthetic surgeries are surgeries performed to make the person feel better. They are optional surgeries. The nose is a very important organ for human beings… It is a structure with functional and aesthetic importance. It is located in a strategic place with its position in the middle of the face. It is the structure that attracts the most attention when looking at the person. A natural and beautiful nose is indispensable for facial beauty.
Deformities in the nose disrupt the harmony between the structures of the face and negatively affect the appearance, psychology and self-confidence of the person in human relations. Aesthetic nose surgery is performed to solve such problems of the person, to obtain a natural-looking nose that is compatible with other facial structures, and to ensure that the person regains self-confidence.
In Which Situations Is Nose Aesthetics Performed?
Rhinoplasty is a nose reshaping operation. Such as low nasal tip, protrusion on the nasal ridge, crest-like protrusions on the nose, long nose, small nose, wide or flat nasal tip, wide, flat or excessively sunken nasal bridge, very wide nose edges that disturb the person.
Many problems can be corrected with these surgeries. The most important point here is to get the best result in terms of health and functionality, as well as the aesthetic appearance of the nose while reshaping. Here, if possible, correcting the existing nasal bone curvature and reducing the concha at the same time can make the patient happy both in terms of health and aesthetics.
The most important point is to provide a natural appearance in aesthetics. In other words, it is desired to obtain a nose that is highly compatible with the face, where the patient can breathe healthily and whose functions are in place.
Is rhinoplasty suitable for everyone?
No way. Choosing the right patient in aesthetic surgery is extremely important. First of all, it is essential that there is mutual communication, trust and goodwill between the patient and the surgeon.
The patient must have absolute trust in his/her doctor and the doctor in their patient. It is also extremely important that the patient has the intellectual knowledge to understand and comprehend the aesthetic operation to be performed. In addition, the patient’s wishes and expectations should be realistic. The surgeon should believe that they can help the patient by making a detailed evaluation and taking into account the patient’s wishes.
Patient satisfaction is very important in our profession. If there is a high probability that the procedure I will do will not satisfy the patient, I think that not performing that operation will be beneficial for both the patient and the surgeon.
Planning the Surgery
Good communication between you and your doctor is essential and very important. In the first meeting, the surgeon will ask you what you want your nose to look like and will examine the structure of your nose and face and explain the possibilities for you. The structure of your nasal bones and cartilages, the shape of your face, the thickness of your skin, your age and your expectations are the main topics of discussion. Here, it is very important that the wishes and expectations of the person are realistic.
He will explain the anesthesia and surgical technique used by the surgeon, the hospital where he will perform the surgery, the risks, the cost, and other options, if any.
Even if it was many years ago, you should be sure to tell your surgeon about any previous nose surgery or nose treatment, if you have allergies or breathing difficulties, the medications you use and if you smoke, you should tell your surgeon.
Do not hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you can think of, especially about your expectations about the surgery and the results of the surgery.
Can Breathing Difficulties be Resolved with Rhinoplasty?
Many of the patients who apply for nose surgery may also have problems with breathing. Whether the patient has a complaint or not, it is essential to be examined for the nose. With some tests to be performed with the help of the endoscope, the anatomy of the patient’s nose is revealed, the problems that prevent breathing are determined, and a solution can be found for them during the same surgery.
If there are obstructions in the structure that divides the nose into two, which is called the septum, these are removed; If there is an enlargement in the turbinate, it is preferred to reduce them.
Rhinoplasty surgery is a whole; both form and function should be considered together, and solutions should be evaluated together.
Preoperative Preparation
Undoubtedly, every surgery has some features that need attention. Dr Muhammet Erkan or his assistants will advise you on how to prepare for surgery, including eating and drinking, smoking, taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications, and washing your face.
Fulfilling this information will help your surgery to be more comfortable. While making your preparations, do not forget to arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery and help you out after a few days if necessary. Do not forget that the patient is actually a member of the surgical team and should do his best to help his doctor in order for the result to be good. Therefore, patients should know some basic points.
How is Rhinoplasty Operation Performed?
There are many techniques defined for aesthetic nose operations. To summarize what was done in general, without going into too much detail; cartilage and bone structure is achieved by preserving the nasal skin and soft tissue.
The structures that give the shape of the nose are the dimensions and dimensions formed by the cartilage and bone structures. In the process, the bone and cartilage area is shaped, reduced, enlarged, additions can be made, its shape can be changed by performing different operations on the bone and cartilage area, and the soft tissue and skin on it adapt to this bone and cartilage structure. Therefore, the main changed structures in nose surgeries are the bone and cartilage structures of the nose. The techniques used to reach this place can be examined under two main headings, especially the open technique and the closed technique. What is done is more important than the technique, rather than the features of the technique. It is possible to achieve the same result with different surgical techniques.
Where Your Surgery Will Be Performed
Rhinoplasty surgery is an operation that must be performed under sterile, fully equipped operating room conditions and accompanied by an anesthesiologist.
Type of Anesthesia Used
Aesthetic nose surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the size of the surgery and your surgeon’s preference. We generally prefer to do it under general anesthesia.
We apply local anesthesia in simple minor correction surgeries. When we do it under local anesthesia, a light sedation is usually applied, the nose and the surrounding area become numb; You will be awake during the operation, but you will have a comfortable and painless operation. In general anesthesia, you will sleep during the operation.
Surgery Duration
Aesthetic nose surgeries take between half an hour and two hours depending on the weight of the surgery.
Rhinoplasty Technique
There are two most commonly used methods. Open and closed. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Dr Erkan mostly uses the open Rhinoplasty technique. It uses the closed rhinoplasty technique in cases that require minor intervention such as revision.
Nose Buffer
Again, depending on the weight of the surgery, tampons or soft plastic instruments can be placed in the nose to stabilize the septum, which is the partition that separates the two airways in the nose, and to control bleeding. I usually do not use tampons in cases where I only do plastic surgery. In patients I use tampons, I take the tampons 2-3 days after the surgery.
Nose Plaster
At the end of the surgery, special tapes and a special nose plaster are placed on the nose to fix the shape given to the nose, reduce the edema that will occur and prevent bleeding. I usually remove the plaster on the 10th day after the surgery.
After Your Surgery
For the first 24 hours after your surgery, you will feel swollen, your nose may hurt, or you may have a mild headache. You can control any discomfort with pain relievers prescribed by your surgeon. For the first day, plan to lie in bed with your head elevated, except for going to the toilet.
Bruises and Swelling
Despite taking the necessary precautions during and after the surgery, there may be bruising and swelling around your eyes. You will notice that the bruising and swelling around your eyes becomes most noticeable after 2 or 3 days; Cold compress application will reduce this swelling and make you feel a little better. Most swelling and bruising will go away within the first week or longer (some swelling that no one but you and your surgeon will notice will remain for several months).
Nasal Congestion
During the first few days after the surgery, there is usually a very slight leakage from the nostrils, and you may feel a slight congestion in your nose for a few weeks.
Your surgeon will ask you not to blow your nose for a week or more during the healing period of the tissues. If there is a tampon in the nose, it will be removed after a few days and you will feel much more comfortable.
When can I return to my normal daily life after rhinoplasty?
Most patients after rhinoplasty can get up and walk around within two days and can return to school or work life that is not too strenuous one week after the surgery.
However, several weeks will pass before they can fully return to the pace of daily life. Your surgeon will give more detailed explanations about returning to your normal life. You will usually be told to avoid high-impact activities (running, swimming, gymnastics, sex – any movement that will raise blood pressure) for two to three weeks, to protect your nose from blows or bumps for 8 weeks, to avoid rubbing and sunburn. You should be gentle and careful when washing your face and hair or applying make-up.
When can I use glasses after rhinoplasty?
You can wear your contact lenses when needed, but the situation is different for glasses. After the splint on your nose is removed, the feet of the glasses should not sit on the back of the nose until your nose is completely healed, that is, for two months.
What will your new look be like after rhinoplasty?
It’s easy to forget that while your face is swollen and bruised in the days following surgery, you’ll look better and better. Most patients do not feel well for a while after plastic surgery, which is quite normal and understandable. A group of patients are sure that this phase will pass. Day by day, your nose will start to look more beautiful and your morale will rise. After a week or two, you will no longer look like you just had surgery. However, recovery is still a slow and gradual process.
Some swelling, especially at the tip of the nose, will continue for months. The true result of rhinoplasty may not appear for a year or more.
At first, you may get some unexpected reactions from your family and friends. They may say they don’t see a change in your nose. Or they may be a little offended, especially if you’ve changed something they see as a familial or ethnic trait. If this happens, try to remember why you decided to have this surgery in the first place. If you have reached your goal, it means that your surgery has been successful.
What Negativities May Occur After Nose Aesthetics?
Negative situations rarely occur after rhinoplasty. There may be swelling, bruising, nasal congestion, bleeding, vomiting due to anesthetic drugs around the eyes. These are situations that can happen in any surgery. In general, they are conditions that completely improve in the first weeks.
Months after rhinoplasty, there is a possibility of protrusion, collapse and deformation of the nose. In this case, it is important that you contact your doctor who performed the surgery and state your complaints and be in contact with your doctor. Keep in mind that secondary interventions may be needed to correct these rare problems. It is necessary to wait for 1 year in secondary interventions.
Is Rhinoplasty Operation Different For Men From Women?
When planning aesthetic nose surgeries for men, different dimensions and angles should be evaluated compared to women. Surgical techniques in which the tip of the nose, which is very noticeable in men, is not preferred. More natural results are targeted. It is aimed to make the back of the nose flatter and the angle between the nose and the lip to be around ninety degrees.
A nose that is obviously operated is usually a nuisance for men. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that the planning of nose surgery in men requires much more specific and finer details.
Of course, in all this planning, it is essential to reveal the problems and solve those problems. But we should also state that more natural results are aimed when performing nose surgery on men.
Under Which Conditions Can Aesthetic Surgery Be Performed Only on the Tip of the Nose?
Sometimes it may be necessary to make aesthetic interventions only on the tip of the nose.
Generally, in cases where the nasal ridge and the arch area are smooth, the nasal bone area is not wide, and the nasal tip is low or wide, aesthetic interventions directed only to the tip of the nose can be planned. These surgeries are simpler surgeries that heal a little faster in terms of the healing process compared to all nose surgeries. The operation time is slightly shorter, and the recovery process is faster.
The time that a person has to spend away from his daily life is also less. But this does not mean that nasal tip surgeries are simpler surgeries. From planning to surgical application, fine details must be carefully applied.
Can I Avoid An Aesthetic Intervention With Nostrils Appearing When Viewed From The Front?
One of the issues that many patients who apply for nose surgery are especially afraid of is that it is very obvious that the rhinoplasty has been done, and the tip of the nose is excessively raised and visible from the front when viewed from the opposite side.
Of course, this can be avoided. A more natural nose tip angle can be planned during planning. In fact, in some people, it is possible to lower the tip of the nose down if the nostrils are visible from the opposite side, even if the nasal tip is congenitally raised. In such cases, cartilage patches are usually needed. These cartilage patches can also be obtained from the middle part of the nose, which we call the septum, and it can be planned to lower the angle of the tip of the nose.
What kind of operations can be applied in arched noses?
In those who have an arched nose structure, the anatomical structure that makes up this arch is usually checked. Sometimes the bone structure is more prominent, sometimes the height in the cartilage is in the foreground. Often, both together lead to the formation of an arch on the back of the nose.
In such cases, it is planned how much the bone and cartilage should be lowered in the bone region and cartilage region. It may be possible to lower the height of these bone and cartilage structures with the help of scalpels, chisels, rasps or powered tools that work with electricity or ultrasound. Then the cartilage and bone roof must be closed so that we can obtain a smooth surface on the back of the nose.These include subtleties in terms of surgical technique. Your surgeon will give you the most accurate information on this subject.
Can Cartilage Fracture in the Nose Be Remedied by Aesthetic Operation?
The problem that sometimes causes deformities in the nose may be deformities in the cartilage. A deficiency or curvature of the cartilage can cause problems in the shape of the nose.
These are usually noticed before the surgery or can be encountered during the surgery. In this case, in order to solve the problem of cartilage, it may be possible to repair and shape the curved, irregular or missing cartilage in the nose by using the cartilage in the body, which can be from the septum if available, or the ear cartilage or rib cartilage, if there is no availability in the septum.
These require advanced rhinoplasty techniques. There are extremely important technical applications to prevent the cartilage being placed from being obvious. But if these are not used when necessary, the problem in the existing cartilage will not be corrected.
Can Those Who Have Nose Meat Problems Relieved With Rhinoplasty Operation?
Some of the people who apply for surgery may have problems arising from the nasal concha and breathing difficulties caused by these. In this case, if a large size is detected in the nasal concha during the preoperative evaluation and examination of the person, it is investigated whether this is permanent, is it a seasonal problem, or is due to an existing allergy in the person.
It is possible to correct a significant part of meat growth with medicinal treatments. When no results can be obtained from drug treatments, it is possible to reduce the nasal concha with radiofrequency or laser. This can be done at the same time as rhinoplasty surgery.
A point to be reminded here is that the nasal concha can recur in the future despite the surgery, especially in those with allergic problems. In such cases, drug treatment or the repetition of the radiofrequency applications we mentioned may come to the fore from time to time.
Is There Any Drooping At The Tip Of The Nose After Rhinoplasty Surgery?
One of the most curious subjects of patients who want to have rhinoplasty is whether there is a drop in the tip of the nose after the operation. Patients see people who have had a fall at the tip of their nose years ago, and rightly have this concern.
In recent years, the technique and philosophy of rhinoplasty operations have changed. We perform surgery by protecting the supports of the nose.
Thanks to the approaches that support the tip of the nose, we now come across cases of nasal tip drop much less frequently.
What are the Tips for Successful Nose Surgery?
The most critical point of a successful rhinoplasty operation is the positive relationship built on trust and goodwill between the patient and the surgeon.
The second important issue is that the patient’s expectations from nose surgery are justified. The patient should clearly state their expectations, and the surgeon should evaluate whether these expectations are realistic and present the changes that he can make to the patient.
For this, a detailed and extensive examination, evaluation and planning process should be experienced before the operation. Aesthetic nose surgeries are not an operation that can be called “Come, let me operate on you, or I’m here, operate on me immediately.” The patient should have sufficient information about the nose surgery that will take place, the process they will experience after the surgery and the possible complications that may occur.
The third important element is of course the experience of the plastic surgeon. They say “experience roots out books”. Yes, in the practice of aesthetic surgeries, rhinoplasty is the surgery where the surgeon’s experience is most necessary. Rhinoplasty is an art. The aesthetic perspective and experience of the surgeon is very important in the success of nose surgery.
How should functional problems be corrected in rhinoplasty?
In rhinoplasty, it is extremely important to correct functional problems or not to create a functional problem. For this, if there are curvatures in the septum cartilage in the middle of the nose, they must be corrected during the surgery and the reconstruction procedures in the main middle cartilage, which we call the septum, should be performed during this surgery. In addition, if there is an enlargement in the turbinates, which we call the concha, in the nose, necessary procedures should be performed on them.
Are There any Risks in Rhinoplasty Surgery?
All surgical procedures carry some level of risk. If rhinoplasty is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, complications (undesirable results) are rare and usually insignificant.
However, there is always the possibility of complications. These are infection, nosebleeds, or a reaction to anesthesia. After surgery, cracked small capillaries may appear as very fine red dots on the surface of the skin. Since aesthetic rhinoplasty is done through the nose, there is no visible surgical scar.
But? Open? If the technique is used or the wide nostrils need to be narrowed, the very small and thin scars on the base of the nose are usually too insignificant to be seen.
Roughly one in 10 cases may require a second surgery (for example, to correct a minor deformity). It is impossible to predict such situations, and this can happen to even patients who have had surgery by the most skilled and experienced surgeons. The second corrective surgery is usually a narrower and simpler surgery.
When Is Full Recovery After Nose Surgery?
After rhinoplasty, recovery is slightly faster in the first months, but it may take 6 months to 1 year to complete the recovery. Changes occur at a rate of 60-70% in the first 6 months. Edema is reduced, swelling is reduced. Some complaints such as numbness and sensitivity at the tip of the nose gradually decrease in the following months.
It may take some months for the details of the nose to emerge and the shape given to the cartilage and bone during the surgery to fully manifest itself. This situation lasts longer in those with relatively thick skin, and it would not be wrong to state that the healing process is shorter in people with thin skin.
What are the Points to Consider After Nose Operations?
There are some restrictions, especially in the first days after nose surgery. There are issues to be considered in the late period as well. In the early stages, blood thinners should not be taken, they can lead to bleeding.
It is useful to rest a little in the first days. It is useful to apply cold. These help reduce swelling and bruising that may occur after surgery. In the long term, the most important issue is not to be exposed to significant trauma in the first months.
A trauma to the nose while the healing is not yet complete may cause a curvature or some problems with the given shape. It is also beneficial to stay away from applications such as sauna, solarium, steam bath for the first 6-8 weeks.
These are the restrictions that prevent the nose from swelling too much. In the long term, a person who has had nose surgery in the past is no different from any other person. They can easily do all kinds of sports or physical activities.
Can rhinoplasty be done in the summer?
Can you get rhinoplasty in summer? It is one of the most frequently asked questions by patients. There are suggestions to be considered while having aesthetic operations on the face area in the summer months. And the answer to this question is yes.
The humid-dry, hot-cold weather does not have a positive or negative effect on plastic surgery in summer. Seasonal temperatures do not prevent the success of surgeries. There is not much difference between what people should pay attention to in summer and what to pay attention to in winter. Measures are taken to protect from the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter.
In cosmetic surgeries performed on the face, during the healing process, it is necessary not to be exposed to the sun in order to tan. Whether we have surgery or not, we should always pay attention to the sun between 10:00 and 16:00 in summer. While sunbathing at other hours, a sunscreen cream with a protection factor of 50 should be used. Nose aesthetic surgery can be done easily in all seasons, summer and winter.
When can I go to the solarium after rhinoplasty?
It is generally not recommended to be exposed to extreme heat in the first weeks or even the first few months after rhinoplasty. The reason for this is to prevent swelling of the already edematous tissues in the nose by exposure to heat. For this reason, in the first 6-8 weeks after the surgery, it is necessary to stay away from situations and environments that will cause swelling in the nose, such as solarium, sauna, sun baths, with the effect of extreme heat or ultraviolet effect.
What is revision rhinoplasty?
It is the surgery performed to correct the bad results of the previous rhinoplasty surgery. There is some controversy in terminology. According to some, the second operation performed to correct the negative results of the surgery performed by the first surgeon is called revision rhinoplasty, and correcting those of other surgeons is called secondary rhinoplasty.
However, revision rhinoplasty is called revision rhinoplasty, which is widely used, no matter who does the first surgery, 2nd, 3rd or more correction surgeries.
Unfortunately, rhinoplasty surgery does not result positively in every patient. The tip of the nose can be tightened, narrowed, wide, asymmetrical, low, drooping or extremely shortened and upturned. The nostrils may be asymmetrical or wide. There may be collapse of the side walls of the nose and difficulty in breathing. The arch on the back of the nose may continue, there may be a collapse in the nasal dorsum, the appearance of a parrot nose as a result of insufficient removal of the cartilage belt in the nose, or a collapse on the nasal dorsum as a result of excessive removal. There may be an inverted V appearance in the middle of the nose, continuation of the curved nasal deviation, irregularities on the nasal back, excessive scar tissue development inside or outside the nose, skin and soft tissue problems.
Is revision necessary after rhinoplasty surgery?
Nose aesthetics is one of the most sophisticated operations performed on humans and is definitely the most technically difficult operation among plastic surgeries. Although it is an easy operation for the patient, even very small details may appear as a deformity or asymmetry after the operation. For this reason, it is necessary to work very delicately and meticulously in this surgery.
Rhinoplasty is among the surgeries that require the most revision among plastic surgeries. The rate of revision surgeries shows a great correlation with the surgeon’s preoperative planning, knowledge, skill and experience. While the rate of revision surgery is quite low in the hands of good surgeons, it can reach high numbers in the hands of inexperienced people.
How Many Times Can Revision Operation Be Performed in Nose Aesthetics?
It is useful to keep the revision as limited as possible in rhinoplasty. The nose is not a mud, a dough, a static structure that can be shaped. It is a living part of our body and has some characteristics that can change over time.
Numerous and uncontrolled early revisions can lead to significant problems by impairing both the blood supply and quality of the skin and soft tissue of the nose. Therefore, even if the desired result is not achieved after nose surgery, it is necessary to wait for at least one year for the healing of the tissues and carefully plan the revision after that. Another important point is the planning of the revision if there is really a major problem that needs to be fixed or if it can really make a significant difference. Sometimes, planning a revision for very small, very millimetric changes should be postponed, or not be done at all, as it may damage the soft tissue and leave us alone with more difficult problems for the reasons I have just explained.
How is personalized rhinoplasty performed?
In rhinoplasty, the analysis of gender, patient’s desire and the persona of the plastic surgeon is the gold standard. Male patients are relatively less curved and the tip of the nose is not lifted too much to maintain a masculine appearance.
In women, being natural provides an aesthetic appearance if it is curved, and the tip of the nose should be relatively raised according to the face ratio. But above all, functionality should not be forgotten, a beautiful nose should breathe well.
How is nasal tip aesthetics done?
Our nose structure consists of bone cartilage and soft tissue. In nasal tip aesthetics, only cartilage and soft tissue are intervened, never the bone. With nasal tip aesthetics, the width of the nose, asymmetries at the tip of the nose, deformations, and differences in the nostrils can be corrected.
Rhinoplasty Prices
The most frequently asked question by my patients; “Doctor, how much does rhinoplasty cost?”
The same surgery is not performed for every patient. The cost of rhinoplasty can vary according to many factors. Whether the person has surgery for the first time or the second time, the experience of the doctor, his expertise, and finally, which group of hospitals the surgery will be performed at. In addition, the prices of aesthetic nose surgery vary according to the severity of the deformities in your nose and the surgery.
Maybe the price will be as low as a small operation will be performed on your nose, or the deformity in your nose requires a complicated and heavy surgery, so the price will be high. Or, in addition to an aesthetic nose operation, other interventions will be required. Again, the price will be different.
In order to get clear price information, you need to have a detailed aesthetic nose examination.
Burun Estetiği Hakkında Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
Burun estetiği operasyonu ağrılı bir operasyon mudur?
Ameliyat esnasında siz anestezinin etkisinde olacağınızdan, operasyon süresince herhangi bir acı hissetmeyeceksiniz. İlk bir kaç gün tüm hastalara ağrı kesici verilir. Genelde ağrı kesici ilaç kullanmayı gerektirecek kadar ağrı şikayeti yaşanmazken, nadiren de olsa ilk gece için daha sert bir ağrı kesici kullanmak isteyen de çıkabilir. Rastladığım en yaygın şikayet, operasyon gecesi burundan nefes almada zorlanmadır. İlk gece yerleştirdiğimiz burun içi pansumanları sonraki gün çıkardığınızda daha rahat nefes almaya başlayacaksınız. Ameliyat sonrası muayeneye gelen hastalarımızın çoğu, hafta boyunca herhangi bir sıkıntı yaşamadıklarını belirtir.
Burun estetiği operasyonunun komplikasyonları ya da riskleri var mıdır?
Her cerrahi operasyonda belli bir miktar risk ve komplikasyon potansiyeli vardır. Cerrahınızın görevi bunları öngörmek ve sizi bilgilendirmektir. Ben genellikle hastalarımı enfeksiyon ve kanama riskine karşı bilgilendiririm. Her ne kadar burun estetiği operasyonu sonrası aşırı kanama çok çok nadir görülse de, benim görevim hastalarımı bu olasılıktan haberdar etmektir. Eğer böyle bir durum meydana gelirse, operasyondan hemen sonraki bir kaç saat içinde oluşacaktır. Bu durumda kişi endişelenmemeli, hemen doktorunu durumdan haberdar etmelidir.
Burun estetiği ameliyatımı başka bir yüz operasyonuyla birleştirebilir miyim?
Kısaca cevaplamak gerekirse, evet. Çoğu hasta burun estetiğini başka bir yüz ameliyatıyla, hatta vücut operasyonuyla birlikte yaptırır. Örneğin hastaların göz kapağı operasyonuyla ya da göğüs büyütme operasyonuyla bir arada burun estetiği de yaptırmaları oldukça rastlanan bir durumdur. Bu gibi durumlarda operasyonlarınızı gerçekleştirecek doktor ya da doktorlar ile detaylı bir görüşme yapmanızda yarar vardır.
Doktoruma burun estetiği operasyonu yaptırmış diğer hastalarla konuşmak istediğimi belirtmek uygun olur mu?
Tabii ki. Hastalarımızın kendilerininkine benzer operasyonlar geçirmiş eski hastalarımızla iletişime geçmesini destekliyoruz. Hasta ne kadar iyi bilgilenirse o kadar iyidir ve bu kesinlikle anlaşılabilir bir istektir.