Hair Transplantation in Women
Although men come to mind when it comes to hair transplantation, there is a great interest in hair transplantation among women who experience hair loss.
There can be many reasons for hair loss in women. Before hair transplantation, the cause of hair loss should be investigated.
Hair transplantation cannot be performed on every female that suffers from hair loss. Hair loss should be in the form of male type, regional loss, opening of the front hairline.
Unfortunately, it is not technically possible to perform hair transplantation in women with widespread hair loss.
Our female patients who have hair loss or baldness problems should apply to our clinic, be examined and plan whether they are suitable for hair transplantation. As in all aesthetic operations, the patient must be evaluated by the plastic surgeon in hair aesthetics.
Hair transplantation can be performed on women with the same hair transplantation method performed on men. We usually do unshaven hair transplants for women.
What should be understood from the word unshaven hair transplantation here is shaving of the donor area, not the transplanted area. Since women have long hair, this method is much easier to apply.
As a result, women can also benefit from hair transplantation, but the cause of hair loss should be well diagnosed.
I believe that the information given on the internet is not sufficient for the patient to decide on surgery or not. For this reason, I prefer meeting my patients face-to-face and giving detailed and personalized information about the surgery.
I would like you to know that it would be beneficial for you to reach us through our communication panel and make an appointment for an interview.