What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a disease that is seen as the growth of abnormal breast tissue as female types in men. It is natural to have fullness, growth and tenderness in the chest area with the effect of hormones in men at the age of growth, and it usually resolves spontaneously within a year. In some young people, if the enlarged breasts become permanent for various reasons, it is called “gynecomastia”.
Why is Gynecomastia Surgery required?
In men, enlargement and lubrication can be seen in the breast tissue, mostly due to hormonal reasons and very rarely tumoral causes and the effect of some drugs. In some cases, growth is observed in the male breast completely structurally, without a specific reason.
As a result of these symptoms, the male breast takes on a similar appearance to the female breast. This change in breast appearance negatively affects the psychology and self-confidence of a young athletic man, especially a teenager.
Why Does Gynecomastia Occur?
Hormonal imbalances or some medications can cause this disease. However, gynecomastia most commonly occurs due to structural and genetic reasons without any underlying disease. It should be known that this is a situation that we encounter very often in young people today due to hormonal foods and environmental factors, and contrary to popular belief, it does not occur due to factors such as being overweight, eating irregularly or not doing sports. Gynecomastia is an aesthetic operation.
What are the Gynecomastia Types?
Gynecomastia can occur in glandular, lipomatous or mixed types. While the increase in glandular type breast tissue is in the foreground, the increase in lipomatous type of adipose tissue is dominant. In the mixed type, both tissues grow together.
What is Gynecomastia Treatment?
The treatment of male breast enlargement is surgical correction if it does not develop outside the adolescence period and does not develop due to any disease. We use two methods in the surgical treatment of gynecomastia: surgical excision and liposuction. The surgeon decides which method to use.
What is the purpose of gynecomastia surgical treatment?
It is aimed to evacuate the area by removing the excess tissues (breast and adipose tissue) that give the breasts an abnormal appearance.
What is done before gynecomastia surgery?
Before gynecomastia, a patient’s complaints and expectations are detailed and general medical history is asked about. Medicine used and smoking is questioned. In the examination, the size and quality of the gynecomastia is checked.
The initial level is considered as grade 1 and advanced gynecomastia as grade 3. In order to obtain preliminary information about the type of gynecomastia, examinations such as USG / MRI may be needed. In cases where surgery is decided, additional tests are performed for anesthesia.
How is Gynecomastia Surgery Applied?
Liposuction is usually sufficient in grade 1 and grade 2 patients to correct gynecomastia. Rarely, open surgery should be performed in grade 2 cases where liposuction is not sufficient, especially in people with excessive glandular tissue increase, and in grade 3 gynecomastia with excess skin.
Liposuction is the process of removing the fat tissues around the breast with special devices. In open surgery, the breast tissue is cut and removed with an incision made around the nipple. Today, technological devices such as LASER and VASER have become popular in the liposuction process. In these systems, which allow more homogeneous fat absorption by emitting a diffuse energy, pain and bleeding are reduced and healing is accelerated.
Correction of gynecomastia is an operation that takes 1-1.5 hours. It is usually applied under general anesthesia, it can also be applied under local anesthesia.
Will there be any scars after breast reduction (gynecomastia) surgery in men?
Since breast reduction surgery in men is usually performed with the liposuction method by using thin cannulas, there are no obvious scars afterwards. In cases where surgery is performed, a small half-moon scar may remain on the edge of the dark area on the nipple.
What Happens After Gynecomastia?
You can return home the same day after gynecomastia surgery. A special corset is worn to reduce edema. You can return to normal life the next day. However, it is natural to have mild pains that can be controlled with painkillers in the first days.
Swelling and bruising may occur around the breast. The corset can be used for an average of 3 weeks, this period can be extended depending on the condition of the person. It is recommended to stay away from sports activities for 6 weeks after the procedure, and not to be in environments that may increase edema, such as sauna, steam bath. Full recovery occurs at the end of 6 weeks.
Is there a risk of recurrence after gynecomastia correction?
If there is no excessive weight gain after gynecomastia surgery, it will not occur again. However, if there are habits such as drug use, excessive alcohol consumption, or if some systemic diseases occur, gynecomastia may recur. Again, old age and excessive weight gain increase the risk of recurrence of gynecomastia.
From what age can gynecomastia surgical treatment be performed?
Gynecomastia surgeries can be performed from the age of 17.
Which type of anesthesia is used in the surgical treatment of gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia surgery should be performed under sedation or general anesthesia in hospital conditions.
How long is the hospital stay in the surgical treatment of gynecomastia?
After gynecomastia surgery, patients can be sent home on the same day. Sometimes, especially in cases where surgery is performed under general anesthesia, patients are accommodated to stay in the hospital for one night.
When can one return to normal life after gynecomastia surgical treatment?
Men return home the same day after breast reduction surgery. Early period after surgery usually passes on at ease. A small amount of pain, slight swelling and bruising can be expected after heavy sports for the first 1-2 days. These symptoms disappear after a short time.
What are the Risks of Gynecomastia Surgery?
Early-term risks such as bleeding, infection and tenderness can be seen in this surgery, albeit at a low rate. Irregularities may occur around the breast after liposuction, and this situation generally improves with massage.
How is the result of the surgery?
Gynecomastia surgeries are surgeries with high patient satisfaction in terms of results. With a very simple operation, you can regain your old masculine appearance. The most important advantage of breast reduction surgery in men is to easily solve a situation that bothers the patient with a simple operation that can be performed in a very short time. After gynecomastia, the patient soon returns to his social life with an increased self-confidence.
How does the process work in case of gynecomastia complaint?
If you are uncomfortable with any deformity related to your breasts, the healthiest and most accurate information about male breast aesthetics, you should meet Opr. Dr. Muhammet Erkan You face to face.
Doctor Muhammet Erkan will listen to you, learn about your expectations, examine you and give you information about what needs to be done. Your doctor will make a special evaluation and plan for you.
He will tell you all the details of the surgery. He will decide whether to perform a surgical operation or liposuction and will tell you about it. The success of aesthetic surgeries largely depends on the preoperative examination, evaluation, planning and informing.
For this you need to do; You can get information and appointments from our assistants by filling out the contact form below or contacting us at our phone numbers.