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What is Hair Transplantation?

Saç Ekimi ÖncesiSaç Ekimi Sonrası

Hair transplantation is the process of removing hair from the area between the two ears on the back of the head with special methods and transplanting it to the bald area. The surest solution to baldness or hair loss today is hair transplantation. Many drugs and products such as shampoo are promoted as solutions for hair loss. Some of them are useful in terms of supporting the hair. But we should not forget that it is not possible to grow hair in an area without hair follicles.

Why Hair Transplant?

With hair aesthetic surgery, individuals can be more social and self-confident, and a more aesthetic appearance is obtained with hair transplantation. Our hair is one of our most important aesthetic elements. Every man and woman wants to have beautiful healthy hair. People who are suitable for hair transplantation are those who have healthy hair on the back and sides of their heads.

To whom can hair transplantation be applied?

Generally, age and gender are not limiting factors for hair transplant techniques. Hair transplantation in men and women’s hair transplantation procedures have almost the same procedures.

Hair transplantation can be successfully applied to individuals in their 20s and up to 60 years of age, when the general health condition is suitable. Hair transplantation techniques can be applied successfully for people who experience baldness or want to increase their hair density.

The ideal candidate for hair transplantation has healthy hair follicles on the side and back of the head. These areas are the areas where the hair follicles to be transplanted are collected. Our experts inform you about hair transplantation techniques during the consultation.

Why does hair loss occur?

Adults with a healthy scalp have about 100,000 hairs. Loss of approximately 100-150 hairs per day is considered normal and new hairs usually grow in place of the lost hair. Hair loss in men and women is generally based on genetic factors. However, hormonal problems, excessive stress, and an unbalanced diet also cause hair loss.

Genetic predisposition, hormone and nutritional factors, systemic diseases, exposure to chemical substances, hair growth disorder, stress are the main causes. Skin diseases and drug side effects can also cause baldness in both men and women.

Which methods are used for hair transplantation?

Today, there is only one method used in hair transplantation; FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. FUE is the process of collecting the grafts to be transplanted one by one with a special tool called a micromotor and transplanting them into the bald area. The advantage of the FUE technique is that more hair follicles can be obtained and there is no permanent scar in the area where the grafts are collected.

What is the FUE technique in hair transplantation?

FUT technique, which was used in the past, is no longer used because it leaves too many scars. Today, with the developing technology, it is possible to work much more minimally and more sensitively. In this way, the results obtained can be much more natural and effective.

The most effective method used today is the FUE technique. The meaning of FUE is to take the hair from the healthy hair follicles from the back side and place them in accordance with the planning we have done before. In addition, enriched hair transplantation with stem cell therapies can enable us to obtain much faster and thicker hair than before.

What is a graft in hair transplantation?

Grafts are the basic structures taken from the back of the head in hair transplantation and planted in the area with hair loss. There is some tissue in the hair follicles in the graft. Grafts consist of single, double, triple or quadruple hair strands. It means that an average of 10000 hairs are transplanted to a person who has 3500 grafts of hair transplantation.

Does the transplanted hair fall out after hair transplantation?

The transplanted hair falls out within a few weeks following the transplantation process; but this is normal. Because the hair will grow back after 3-4 months. After this temporary loss is resolved, the transplanted hair follicles preserve their character and do not fall out. However, the original hair in the same area may continue to be lost over time, and a new hair transplant may be planned in the future depending on the decrease in hair density. Hair loss after surgery may continue progressively. Especially if an unnatural appearance occurs in the new hairline area, an additional surgical intervention may be required in the future.

What are the risks of unprofessional hair transplant surgery?

This is an operation. All the conditions of the operation must be fulfilled. Hair transplant surgery should be performed under operating room conditions in a sterile environment. Precautions should be taken in terms of blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV.

Many anesthetic agents are used in hair transplant surgery. These drugs have maximum doses. These drugs can have serious side effects. Hair transplant operations are operations that take 7-8 hours. This period is a source of serious stress for patients. Therefore, many serious complications, including death, can be seen in people.

Hair transplant surgery should be performed by assistants consisting of nurses or anesthesia technicians under the management of a surgeon. Hair transplant surgery is definitely not a procedure to be taken lightly and to be performed by non-healthcare professionals.

The patient who will undergo hair transplant operation must be under the assurance of a plastic surgeon. Evaluation and planning must be done by the surgeon. The assistants who will do the hair transplantation should be nurses or anesthesia technicians.

Is hair transplantation an aesthetic procedure or a medical procedure?

Hair transplantation is an operation, period. It is a very important operation. It is a surgical procedure. First of all, hair transplantation is a tissue transplant method. You collect a tissue from one place and transplant it to another. You have to comply with all the rules and methods of tissue transplantation. Otherwise, the tissue you transplant will not survive. Hair transplantation is a plastic surgery operation. It is no different from rhinoplasty, ear aesthetics or breast aesthetic surgeries. For this reason, male or female patients who are considering hair aesthetics should be evaluated by a plastic surgery specialist, just like in other aesthetic surgeries, the surgery plan should be made and they should be informed about the possible outcome.

Can hair transplant be done to every person who has lost hair?

A patient who comes with a hair transplant request should be questioned and examined in detail. First of all, the person should not have a health problem that prevents surgery. The decision is made considering the condition of the person’s hair follicles, the possible number of follicles to be taken, the width of the area to be transplanted, and the patient’s expectations. If the transplant will not be of a quality that will meet the expectations of the patient, it is more beneficial not to have a hair transplant.

Transplanting one hair follicle is also hair transplantation, and transplanting seven thousand roots is also hair transplantation. The important thing here is the result. Result-oriented thinking is required. How much will your surgery solve the patient’s problem? It is necessary to talk, evaluate and discuss with patients in detail.

Otherwise, unhappy people who have had a hair transplant will be everywhere. Therefore, it is not right to have hair transplantation for everyone due to financial concerns. Patients should be treated honestly. It is necessary to see the people who come with the request for hair transplantation not as customers, but as patients who want to have plastic surgery, to evaluate them as patients and to evaluate them as doctors. I’m saying it again: “This is a surgeon’s job and a surgeon treats a patient as a patient first.”

Am I a suitable candidate for hair transplantation?

If you have completed your physical development, if you do not have a physiological disease that prevents hair transplantation, if there are enough and suitable hair follicles in the donor area on your head, if there is a suitable space for hair transplantation in the area to be transplanted, you are a suitable candidate for hair transplantation.

Hair transplant operation is not only for male pattern hair loss; It is also successfully applied to local cavities that may occur as a result of various diseases, scars, burn scars, surgical sutures.

Hair transplantation is also successfully applied in women. Considering the size of the bald area, especially in women, unshaven transplantation is also performed.

Can Women Have Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is successfully applied in women as well as in men. However, hair loss in women often has an underlying cause.

How to determine the front hairline?

For natural hair transplantation, it is important to determine the hairline according to the person. At this stage, the specialist evaluates the donor area capacity of the person and the desired hairline and makes the operation plan. The method of operation and the shape of the hairline are obtained with the consent of the patient, and a hair transplant plan is created.

How is hair transplant operation done?

Before starting the procedure, hair analysis is performed and photographs of the patient are taken. With the aid of a mirror, it is decided by discussing what kind of hair transplant will be done, how and at what level your front line will be. Before planting, the hair is shortened to buzz-cut. Hair aesthetics is an operation performed with local anesthesia. In other words, surgery is performed by numbing the area to be treated with very thin needles. The person is awake during the operation. After the area to be treated is anesthetized, we transfer the tissues containing hair follicles from the nape of the person with special methods in hair transplantation to the bald part with special methods. It is very important that the tissue is not damaged during collection and transplantation. The tissue, i.e. hair follicles should be kept at the appropriate time and temperature. Care should be taken not to damage the hair follicles. The duration of the operation varies according to the amount of hair follicles to be transplanted and takes approximately 4 to 9 hours.

The basic elements of a successful hair transplant operation

As in all aesthetic surgeries, the sine qua non of the surgery in hair aesthetics is planning. Planning should be done individually. Not everyone’s hair style, hair quality and loss are the same. The way to achieve a natural-looking result is to make a plan according to the hair structure of the person. You should use the hair follicles you have taken in the best way and in the appropriate direction. The shape of the front hairline is very important to achieve a natural look. There is no standard shape of the anterior hairline applied to every patient. It is necessary to plan for the individual, taking into account the expectations of the person. If there are enough roots in the donor area, if the hairline is designed naturally, if enough hair is transplanted per square centimeter, one hundred percent good results can be obtained. Hair transplantation can provide a natural appearance. As a result of a successful planting operation by an experienced expert team, close to one hundred percent naturalness is possible.

Hair transplant does not mean that the open area on the head is completely covered with hair. Sometimes an aesthetic appearance can be achieved by transplanting to a certain area according to the amount of root the person has.

Who is the hair transplant application for?

Regardless of the reason, hair transplantation is successfully applied to all people who have sufficient hair follicles in the body. The transplantation method can be applied successfully not only in the scalp but also in the loss of hair in all areas of the body such as eyebrows, mustache or beard.

How Many Hair Can Be Transplanted in One Session?

This is a question frequently asked to us by our patients as well. Of course, it is the width of the person’s open space that will determine this. If there is a small opening, of course, a small amount of transplantation will be done, but if the opening is large, it is usually 5000 grafts, which corresponds to an average value, that is, about 10,000 individual follicles. In other words, approximately 10,000 hair follicles can be transplanted in one session.

After Hair Transplant, What Should Patients Pay Attention to?

The most important issue after hair transplantation is that our patients should be careful, especially in the first week, that the transplanted hair is not damaged. In other words, there are points such as being careful when putting on and taking off clothes, being careful while taking a shower, and being careful when getting in and out of a vehicle. Since hair transplantation is a delicate operation, it takes care. A trauma or the friction of the hair while washing the hair can cause the grafts we placed to come out of place. This is the most important issue after hair transplantation. Other issues, lotion applications, given medications, etc., actually constitute side treatments. The main thing is to pay attention for the first 7 days, because small hair follicles, which we call grafts, are placed in thousands of open slots and they stay there without a suture material, etc. Therefore, we ask our patients to be a little careful and protect the transplanted area.

Can Hair Transplantation Be Done to Sparse Hair?

People whose rarity is above a certain level are satisfied with this procedure. But sometimes, when this subject is not well understood by people, even people with very dense hair come with the desire to have a hair transplant. Of course, they are suitable for the surgery. We make an evaluation and if there is a significant sparseness, we apply the procedure. In any case, the people we have transplanted in women come more often because of sparseness.

If it has fallen below a certain level, if the condition of the donor area at the back, which we call the donor area, is also good, of course we do it and they are satisfied.

Can Unshaven Hair Transplantation Be Done?

Yes, we do unshaven hair transplantation. However, a limited number of grafts (1500-2000) can be taken. Unshaven transplantation is possible for patients who need very little amount of grafts transplanted.

Is there a certain age limit for hair transplantation?

For the procedure, the type of hair loss is more decisive than the age. If the skin becomes visible when viewed with the naked eye, it means that the hair density in that area has fallen below 50 percent of the normal density and hair transplantation can be done.

How long does hair transplantation take?

Hair transplantation takes between 5 to 8 hours. After the procedure, if the person does not want this process to be known in his work and social environment, a time of about 10 days is needed. If he has no such concerns, he can return to his daily life within 3 days.

How soon does the patient regain his new hair?

After the operation, scabbing  is seen in the transplantation area. By washing the head once a day for a week, the scabs will fall off completely and the transplantation area will heal within 7-10 days. The hairs transplanted in the 1st month are mostly lost but this is temporary. It takes 3 months to start regrowth. In this time period, the person is in pre-planting appearance. Change is most visible in the 5th and 6th months. In the first 6 months, 50 to 60% of the transplanted hair grows. It takes 1 year for all to regrow.

Does the transplanted hair fall out?

Since the transplanted hair follicles are taken from the area most resistant to loss, the same feature continues in the transplanted area. In other words, your transplanted hair will stay with you for life as long as there is no illness or accident.

Under what conditions and by whom should hair transplantation be done?

Hair transplantation is a surgical operation; It should be done under sterile conditions, by a specialist doctor and professional team experienced in hair transplantation.

Does hair transplantation have any disadvantages in terms of patient health?

If the person does not have any health problems, if the operation is performed in a sterile environment by professionals; It is an extremely risk-free procedure performed with local anesthesia. If the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations; There are no side effects that will affect health in the post-procedure period.

Is hair transplantation a procedure that can be applied more than once?

Hair transplantation may require multiple sessions depending on the size of the transplanted area, depending on the conditions of the donor area and whether the patient’s hair loss continues.

Is the appearance of new hair controllable?

The result of transplantation completely depends on the technique. The size and direction of the grafts used during transplantation determine the result. When the grafts are placed in the appropriate size and direction for the natural growth of the hair, the transplantation gives an extremely natural result.

What are the new techniques applied in hair transplantation?

Today, the most reliable method used in hair transplantation is “Follicular Unit Extraction”, that is, the FUE method. It is a method in which follicular units are removed one by one with personalized microsurgical instruments and transferred to bald areas on the same day, without cutting and stitching marks on  the nape and above-ear area, where the hair follicles called non-androgenic, which are coded not to fall out, and are dense.

Can hair loss be treated?

Once the cause of hair loss is determined, it can be treated. According to the treatment protocol determined by the doctor, hair loss is prevented and the volume of existing hair can be increased.

Can Dying or other cosmetic applications be done after hair transplantation?

After the operation, after the period that is determined by the doctor, dye, blow dryer, cutting, razor, etc. All kinds of hairdressing services can be applied.

Can hair be transplanted from someone else?

Since this is a tissue transplant, hair transplant cannot be done from another person.

Will there be any scars in hair transplantation?

No, there is no scar after hair transplantation.

How to determine the front hairline?

The hairline is a personal anatomical line. It is determined according to the natural hair border from the area where the forehead texture ends and the hair texture begins. The indispensable element of obtaining a natural-looking result from hair transplantation is the planning of the front hairline. A suitable anterior hairline is positioned considering the patient’s wishes and expectations.

Is there hair root cloning?

Laboratory studies on hair follicle cloning have been going on for years, especially in America and Europe. But successful results have not yet been achieved.

What methods are available in hair treatment?

There are many methods to be determined by the doctor in hair treatment. In addition to drug therapy, PRP, Mesotherapy and Growth Factor are applied treatment methods performed by the doctor.

Does nutrition have anything to do with healthy hair structure?

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids that hair needs have a direct effect on hair quality. In addition to clinical applications in hair treatments, oral vitamin support is also recommended.

Is hair aesthetic surgery a risky procedure?

Hair transplantation is a safe procedure if it is performed by a doctor who is trained and experienced in this field. However, the result can never be fully determined due to variable characteristics such as the person’s hair characteristics, physical reactions and healing capacity.

As with other surgical procedures, infections might occur. There may be some loss of grafts taken in transplantation techniques. Such infections are usually of the nature to be easily controlled with drugs. When hair loss due to infection is experienced, the problem can be solved with minor revisions.

Are the results of the Hair Aesthetics operation satisfactory?

Hair transplantation patients are really satisfied. When done in the right hands, I have not seen many patients who have a hair transplant and are not satisfied. Patient satisfaction can be said to be around 95%. Hair transplant does not mean that the open area on the head is completely covered with hair. An aesthetic appearance can also be achieved by transplanting to a certain area according to the amount of root the person has. If there are enough roots in the donor area, the hairline is designed naturally, and enough hair is transplanted per square centimeter, one hundred percent good results can be obtained. Hair transplant operation is a highly preferred aesthetic surgery operation especially because it gives natural and healthy results.




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